Know any good books on HK?

There have obviously been many written both fictional and non-fictional. James Clavells' TAI PAN and NOBLE HOUSE come readily to mind.

Austin Coates was also a prolific writer of all things Asian and his auto-biographical MYSELF A MANADARIN about his life as a magistrate in the New Territories in the 40's and 50's is very amusing. He also wrote amongst others CITY OF BROKEN PROMISES based on non-fictional characters in Macao.

I have previously mentioned Alice Briggs who wrote FROM PECKING TO PERTH and who spent time in HK under the control of the Japanese.

And Jane Gardam wrote OLD FILTH which was shortlisted for the Orange Prize in 2005. Filth [his nickname] was an international lawyer with a practice in the Far East, HK. His nickname stood for Failed in London Try Hong Kong. A fascinating fictional novel that twists and turns between Malaya, HK and England.